Decentralized Websites: What Is A Decentralized Website?

Image rendering of a decentralized blockchain.

The future of the internet is right around the corner, and it will change your web browsing experience forever.

The internet has gone through many phases of development. The most current phase is almost over, paving the way for web 3.0. And key among the promises of web3 is the ability to have a fully decentralized internet.

But what is a decentralized website? Maybe you’re even wondering how to create a decentralized website in the first place.

In this article, we’ll cover decentralized websites and how the decentralized web differs from the internet of today. You’ll learn how to build a decentralized website and what benefits it could provide for you.

Web1 and Web2

We’re currently using Web2, and we may soon move to Web3 and the Ethereum blockchain. Decentralized website options provide new advantages over the current types of websites. A new website on the decentralized web may be impervious to external influence or censorship.

But how did we get to this point in the first place?


Web 1.0 was the beginning of the internet in the mid-90s. The internet was still a new technology, so we had a lot of kinks to iron out. Few people used it, making it relatively niche.

Web 1.0 didn’t have a lot of variety. These were static websites served by a small handful of companies. You had limited browser options, and websites did not display in the most convenient and beautiful format.


Web 2.0 fixed most of the issues that we see with Web 1.0. The keyword when describing Web2 is user freedom. It’s hard to understand how good your internet is now without comparison to how it was.

Website options became more responsive to users, allowing them to interact with and change the content they see. Further, content is dynamic. Websites focus on users being able to upload content, and the content is easy to access across the world.

Further, this web is an excellent playground for those of us who like to tweak. APIs and server hosting means that computer-savvy customers can do what they like with their online experience. Varied online services allow you to do almost anything you can imagine.

But Web2 suffers from one major flaw: it’s centralized. Big companies “control” the internet, such as social media platforms and search engines. These big corporations can sway not only the way you use their services but what you can do with the information you can access.

Web3: What’s the Difference?

Web3’s defining characteristic is that it’s decentralized. That means it doesn’t run on big, corporate servers. It exists as a distributed network across individual devices and servers.

That means the web is not stored in one place that is susceptible to a hacker. It’s a trustless system without a big corporation behind it to influence its use. You can use the decentralized web anywhere, and it customizes itself to you.

Further, Web3 makes use of AI to make sure the content you get is personal. No more searching the web for hours to find the content you like. Web3 understands what you want and gives it to you.

Web3 uses exciting new technologies like IPFS – Interplanetary files system. It uses the blockchain to sort domains, such as the .eth domain extension. You can share information in any way you please.

Why Decentralization?

Think of how you interact with the internet on a daily basis. You use Instagram, buy products from Amazon, then search for news articles on Google. Big corporations dictate, in great part, what you can do, and how you do it.

One of the most important features of Web3 is that big organizations cannot censor it. Web3 doesn’t go down if a big provider like Facebook has server downtime. It’s internet by the people, for the people.

What is a Decentralized Website?

A decentralized website is a type of website that operates on a decentralized network rather than a central server. This means that the website is not controlled by a single entity, but rather operates on a network of computers that work together to host and maintain the website.

One of the key technologies powering decentralized websites is blockchain, which allows for the creation of decentralized applications (dApps). These dApps operate on a decentralized network, rather than being controlled by a single entity, making them more resistant to censorship and tampering.

Decentralized websites offer a range of benefits compared to traditional centralized websites. For example, they are more resistant to censorship and downtime, as there is no central server that can be taken down or blocked. They are also more secure, as the decentralized network makes it more difficult for hackers to access and manipulate the website.

Another benefit of decentralized websites is that they can operate on a peer-to-peer basis, bypassing traditional intermediaries and allowing users to interact directly with each other. This can lead to lower fees and greater access to resources and services for users around the world.

Overall, decentralized websites represent a major shift in the way we interact with the internet and have the potential to revolutionize the way we access and share information online. While they are still in the early stages of development, they are an exciting glimpse into the future of the internet and the many possibilities they hold.

How to Create a Decentralized Website

Now the question on your mind is how this all works. You know how to host a website on Web2. It’s hard to do alone, so you need expert help to make sure it gets the necessary traction.

But when it comes to how to host a decentralized website, the rules are different. You won’t be relying as heavily on external resources that can fail you.

First, you’ll need to buy an ENS domain. This is different from traditional domain names since it’s permanent.

You’re paying to mint your website like an NFT. It then resides in the blockchain with the information people need to access it and send you crypto.

Second, you’ll need the help of a provider to get your domain into the IPFS – Interplanetary files system. Once it’s there, no one can take it down. Users will be able to visit your site with ease.

Finally, you’ll need to get comfortable with cryptocurrency. Decentralized websites build themselves on the blockchain. This technology allows them to remain decentralized, preventing censorship and influence from the big companies.

If you’re not sure how to do all this, check out this guide.

Should You Get a Decentralized Website?

It’s important to realize that these are the early days. Web3 is a budding technology that does not have full implementation. That said, early adopters might gain benefits that others will not.

Web3 is for you if you want a website that gives you more granular control. It’s for you if you want to avoid censorship or want to avoid downtime while using a major service provider. It’s for you if you want to work with cutting-edge technologies.

The Web3 Revolution Is Here

Web2 has been great, but it has its limitations. Cryptocurrency and the blockchain are already established technologies. The potential for Web3 means we have a bright future ahead of us.

Now that you know how to create a decentralized website, you can be one of the early adopters who change the world.

You need forward-thinking experts to help your company rise to the next level. Get in contact today for ways to boost your company’s digital footprint.

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