How To Build An SEO Strategy

Image of Google Search screen courtesy of Christian Wiediger,

What are SEO Services?

SEO services improve your website’s search engine rankings, making it more visible to potential clients and customers online.

More Details on What SEO Services Are

SEO stands for search engine optimization – and everyone needs it. Working with an SEO agency can raise your website’s ranking on search engine results pages, making it easier for people to find.

What is SEO Service? It generally focuses organic search optimization – improving and targeting your website and its content to boost its search engine rankings. However, there is also SEM, or search engine marketing, which focuses on paid search engine ads based on keyword bidding.

A website’s content is an important factor in search optimization, but it’s not the only one. Having a mobile-friendly site, fast load times, low bounce rate, and search optimized images can also improve search engine rankings. While Google, the most popular search engine in the United States, does not release how heavily ranking factors are weighted in their search algorithm, search experts make strategies based on proven experience and widely available industry information.

There is “on page” and “off page” SEO. When you work with a professional, you should expect a review of both.

On page SEO is everything that has to do with your own website. Businesses can change and update these factors to improve search engine standings. Off page SEO includes reviews of your company, industry listing sites, and anything about your business found on a website you don’t own.

On page optimization efforts include creating proper linking structure, making sure an appropriate keyword strategy is in place, and ensuring each page has the correct meta data and header tags. If you’re wondering what is SEO copywriting services, this is another form of on page SEO. SEO copywriters create written content for websites in line with the desired guidelines from an SEO strategy.

Off page optimization may include monitoring social media sentiments, making sure the business controls social media and review site pages with its name, and promoting the site to bloggers who might write reviews or mention the business in a blog post.

The first step is a complete audit of your current SEO situation. The information found in this portion of the plan will inform the next step: a customized SEO strategy.

Do SEO services work? Yes, and to make sure, once the strategy is put into place, a constant process of analysis and revision begins. Search professionals are always evaluating the statistics and looking for ways to improve search engine standings for key terms.

Here are several types of SEO to focus on:

  • On page SEO: Improving rankings for your own website
  • Off page SEO: Improving rankings for business’s presence on other websites (reviews, social media, etc.)
  • Technical SEO: Ameliorating website speed, security, mobile responsiveness, etc.
  • Local SEO: Improving rank for city and state specific search terms
  • Voice SEO: Using search terms likely to be used by people using voice search

What are SEO Services Example

A local real estate firm wants to improve their search engine standings. They know they need expert knowledge, so they hire Bosio to help. First, we perform an analysis of their existing search engine rankings for on and off page SEO. We also evaluate their website for any technical issues that may affect rankings.

We make sure the website speed is up to par, that the site is mobile-friendly, that it uses HTTPS protocol, and that it has the proper metadata on each page.

We recommend they focus more on location specific keywords. We decide to create a “neighborhood descriptions” section on their website. Each neighborhood description uses key words people searching for a home in that area would use on a search engine. We also create corresponding blog posts about each neighborhood, and keep a pulse on the local news to blog about any happenings in each area of interest.

We also set up a series of Q&A style blog posts because voice searchers tend to ask questions like “What is the best neighborhood in Chicago?” instead of simply typing “best neighborhood Chicago.”

We help the company’s agents get onto real estate review sites so they can manage their profiles and help boost the company’s off page SEO.

After implementing all the changes, we analyze the resulting data. Over the course of a few months, we notice that they are ranking on the first page for several of their desired terms, traffic to their website has increased, and their agents are getting more inquiries than ever.


Who needs SEO services? Any business that operates online can benefit. These services help your website and business reach its fullest potential. It helps to get your website in front of more eyes. Ready to improve your site’s search engine standings? Contact us to start with an SEO analysis.

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